Larrabee Farms is a crop diverse and vertically integrated company. In everything we do, science and technology are at the forefront of our thinking. We strive to be early adopters, are forward thinking, safety conscious and environmentally focused. We look for crops that have sustainable futures, healthy attributes and have environmentally sound farming practices. When we decide to integrate another step of the process from the farm to your fork, we commit to being the best steward of every aspect for the worlds safest, cleanest and best tasting food.

Once the winter cover crop is planted in the tree rows and the pruning and mulching of prunings are returned to the soil, the production of walnuts requires intense monitoring. There are many potential threats to the crop. From bud break and beyond we apply appropriate preventative materials. Walnut blight is moisture driven effect that can damage the nut, either completely damaging the kernel to a black un-edible meat or the tree will simply abort the nut entirely. Codling moth and husk fly are 2 important pests that can negatively damage the kernel beyond an acceptable tolerance for consumers. Botyrspheria is a fungal disease that can enter the tree in open areas such as flowering buds or wounds and will migrate through the branch killing the tree back at much lower and larger scaffolds. If left untreated, the entire tree will die. Root rot, also known as phytophora and crown gall which is a lesion that will girdle the tree are devastating diseases that eventually kill the tree.

All of these issues as well as nutrient applications based upon leaf samples are monitored at addressed during the growing season. We pride ourselves on being progressively active to address any issue. Harvest begins on the early varieties in September where the entire process of harvesting, hulling and drying are performed. The crop is then delivered to Omega Walnut for further processing and delivered to worldwide buyers. We take pride in our product being consumed on your table.

Walnut farming was added in 2009, which is another great product and area successful crop. Walnuts are on top of the list with Omega 3 heart healthy benefits. We pride ourselves on managing the orchards with the best possible care so the nuts that end up on your table are delicious and nutritious. Being a partner in Omega Walnut allows us to continue the food safety practices from field to customer.
Get in touch with us about any questions or comments you may have
(530) 809-0475
FARM: P.O. Box 172 Butte City, California 95920
OFFICE: 250 Vallombrosa Ave, Suite 370, Chico, California 95926
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